Please note, that as Canada Post is currently on strike, SEMF would like to strongly suggest that you hand deliver your entry forms to the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. If this is just not possible, please contact to help find a solution.


The Southeastern Manitoba Festival needs your donations of time as well as money to keep functioning. There are several vacancies on the committee, please consider joining the festival executive in one of these roles.  If you are interested, please contact Jen Penner at 204-392-6537. Volunteers are needed as Door Attendants and Adjudicator Secretaries during March each year. SEMF generally schedules 3 sessions per day (morning, afternoon and evening) and volunteers may choose to work at one or more of these sessions. The job descriptions for both are below.

adjudicator secretary

Each year in the fall, SEMF accepts applications for the position of Adjudicator Secretary.  The main responsibility of this job is to assist the discipline coordinator and festival adjudicator with jobs such as keeping music organized, adjudication sheets, keeping track of class winners and posting these on the website.  Past festival experience is an asset, organizational skills are a must.  This position is reimbursed with a small honorarium.

job description for door attendants

  1. Please arrive 30 minutes ahead of time as we ask that our competitors hand in their music 15 minutes before they perform.  Plan to stay until the last competitor has performed.
  2. Door Attendant will preside over cash box, sell festival passes, admission and programs and collect music from competitors.
  3. Table and chair should be ready for you at the festival as well as any admission signs.  The Discipline Coordinator is responsible for the cash box for the duration of the festival, but you are asked to look after it during your volunteer session.
  4. Familiarize yourself with our admission prices.  Admission is charged for all ages(babies and toddlers are included.) – These are the policies of the SEMF and we ask that you adhere to them as they are regularly reviewed by our committee and SEMF feels they are fair to our attendees, performers and the Festival as a whole.  If you have any issues that arise you may remind persons that this is Festival policy and you may direct them to contact a member of the executive preferably in writing.
  5. SEMF does not permit participants to practice on stage before or between sessions.
  6. Door attendants should sit outside door and NOT ALLOW people to enter or exit site during a performance. This can be very distracting for the performer as well as the adjudicator and audience.  Please help to encourage a respectful, quiet atmosphere for the enjoyment of all.

At the Festival

job description for volunteer adjudicator secretary

  1. Please arrive at least 20 to 30 minutes ahead of time.
  2. First of all introduce yourself and make sure the adjudicator is settled in and check if they would like coffee or water, etc…
  3. Ensure the correct sponsor sign is on the easel.
  4. Check to see if the adjudicator wishes to sign the adjudication sheets before the session starts.
  5. Have the adjudicator sign all the Participation Certificates for the session.
  6. Check to see if sharp pencils are ready for the adjudicator.
  7. The Door Attendant will collect all the participants’ music and mark the music with a sticky note with the participants name on it.  Check to see if this music is in order and consider collating with the adjudication sheets. – Note:  SEMF does not accept any unauthorized photocopies. Anyone attempting to hand in unauthorized photocopies may perform for adjudication only – no marks or awards given (Note:  the only exception is all Speech/Theatre Arts classes as a special license has been purchased for this).  Music purchased legally on the internet is accepted.
  8. Mark all cancellations in program and write “canceled” across adjudication sheet. Put all canceled sheets in a separate folder labeled “cancellations”. No changes are allowed in programming without consulting the Coordinator.
  9. SEMF does not permit participants to practice on stage before or between sessions.

Beginning the Session

Record Marks for each performer in Official Program.  First and second place winners receive a number mark and all others receive a letter grade.  Remember to record all other award winners as well. Complete Participants Certificates with first and second place seals as awarded.  Others receive a red seal.  Where duos, trios, and quartets, each performer will receive a certificate.  Groups 5+ receive one certificate.  Non-competitive performers will receive a ribbon instead of a participation certificate.  (note:  Dance has a separate system described in the addendum using gold, silver and bronze seals.)